We have all remarked when an innocent child speaks their mind and reveals something candid, with no worries about consequences, failure, or judgment that makes us think. We also know there is something envious about that special quality; raw freedom to express with no fears or hang-ups. When a young student drums on a desk, draws on a paper, or sings, sincerity is at its best. And it’s all valid because it’s sincere.
Our attraction to music is a personal one. Sure, there are peer pressures, and multi musical purposes, but somewhere in our hearts we have our own musical tastes. To step forward and play what you feel might be your best move.I feel it’s tragic to not explore music and life through creativity and self development. I respect the ideal of traditional development of needed musical skills but not at the cost of creativity. No one should have to wait some undetermined amount of time to compose something or even think about composing something.Ditto with improvisation. Same with any writing or art. It’s sincere. It’s in the moment.
The path of a true "artist" is a rocky road.
It's like walking up wet glass at times but after a while it's fun.It is your business to keep the channel open.You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you.You'll note a slow emergence almost imperceptible. it will be something you never forget.
Now's the time tell a genuine story, speak the truth, and someone will appreciate it.It is part and parcel of being an artist.
Keep the channel open, and try your best.You'll learn something special.
Been talking to my students about the many aspects of the creative mind set.
Trying to just expand more ideas and thoughts.
Here's some things that I'm coming up with ;
Creativity is the bringing into being something which did not exist before, either as a product, a process or a thought. Right? So let’s apply this to ALL levels of saxophone playing, thought and improvisation.
You would be demonstrating creativity if you:
· Played something which has never existed before.
· Reapply an existing lick or concept into a new area musically.
· Develop a new way of looking at something (bringing a new idea into existence).
· Change the way someone else looks at something.
We are all creative every day because we are constantly changing the ideas which we hold about the world about us and our relationship with it. Creativity does not have to be about developing something new to the world, it is more to do with developing something new to ourselves !!
When we change ourselves, the world changes with us, both in the way that the world is affected by our changed actions and in the changed way that we experience the world. It’s a thought process. It’s past a mouthpiece change..it’s a MIND SET !!
Creative thinking is the process which we use when we come up with a new idea. It is the merging of ideas which have not been merged before. New ideas are formed by developing the current ones within our minds. This evolution HAS to be brought on by practice.
Ongoing creative thinking is the continuous investigation, questioning and analysis that develops through education, training and self-awareness.
Ongoing creativity maximizes both accidental and deliberate creative thinking. It is a quest for improvement which never ends. It is an acceptance of and a looking for continuous change that differentiates between ongoing creativity and mental inflexibility. Ongoing creativity takes time and practice to become skillful. Ongoing creative thinking soon becomes an attitude not a technique.
The first step to take is to learn the creative thinking techniques so that you can use them deliberately to come up with new ideas. You will then be at an immediate advantage to those who do not know how to use them. You should then practice them to increase your skill at ongoing creative thinking. With practice you may even find it unnecessary to use specific techniques because you may soon have too many ideas without using them at all.
By the way...The picture at the top of the blog is me and Hank Crawford- from the early 1980's. Hank Crawford was a friend who I met in Chicago in the 70's. I played the Jazz Showcase in Chicago opposite Hank & Calvin Newborn when I played w/McDuff.
Hank at a point had small big band- that was very effective for his excellent arranging that he hired me for a lot. He picked great tunes too from things of his to the Isley Brothers & Carol King and Bird. Playing with him on gigs was an education.Hank Crawford....always sent me a Christmas card & when I got married he sent a card as well. To me those kind of things go past money, fame or anything....he defined the word soul in just being Hank.
By the way sax equipment heads- his mouthpiece had no name. Just a plain rubber piece with teeth marks & a LaVoz reed. The picture below was in "Swing Journal" in the early 80's. Been thinking of him a lot- great inspiration and friend.
Thanks, and keep on your path.
~ Tim Price
Some good things coming up- hope to see you there!!!
Tim Price's Jazz-A-Delic @ Berks Jazz Festival March 30th
Sets @ 9:00
Tim Price Jazz-A-Delic ....includes ;
Randy Sutin- vibes
Jack Hegyi- bass
Sean Kennedy- Drums
~And Tim on saxes/ woodwinds/electro-bassoon
@ The Liberty Taproom
237 Prospect St
Reading, Pennsylvania 19606
By the way...a special heads up on the guys close to my area.
Zeswitz Music Store | 100 Gibraltar Road Reading, PA 19606 | 610‐406‐4300 |
MARCH 30 & MARCH 31, 2012
Friday, March 30th 4:00PM
Topics Include:
- Sound production
- Using the right gear
- Harmonics and Altissimo
- Jazz Improvision
- Practicing Techniques
- Creating Melodic Shapes
- Sight Reading
Saturday, March 31st 1:00PM
Jazz Clinic
Focusing on ‘real time’ improvisation
With guest bassist Bruce Ketterer