Monday, June 27, 2011

Tim Price Bloggin' For Rico- Staying positive..and standing on your own feet.

Do you ever find yourself avoiding being positive(optimistic) about something until you are positive(confident and fully assured) about it?

The other problem with this sort of approach is that it cuts us off from the vital “spice of life” called variety. Life very rarely unfolds in straight lines. I’m willing to bet that if you look back on your life, some of your best experiences happened by “accident”, or maybe you now look back and see them as “coincidences”.

There are many people who always need to be fully assured about the success of the outcome before they make a move. To them, it would be irresponsible or even foolish to make decisions and take actions based on a sense of raw optimism. After all, what sort of plan is that for success? Take these steps- and watch what happens!

  • Challenge Yourself
  • Stand On Your Own Feet
  • Live The Moment
  • Have Respect
  • Do Some Good
BUT IN MUSIC...Fear and many times that fear holds a person back. It's to your advantage to get past this. Now!

Sometimes this fear manifests itself in unproductive ways, such as procrastination. You find that you’re not following your map or making any progress towards your goals. If you "can’t get motivated," fear is probably at the root of your procrastination.

In most cases where you find fear is causing inaction, the “cure” is taking action.

You see, usually you feel so overwhelmed that you don’t even know where to start. But if you can just get started somewhere – anywhere – you’ll find that your fears start to melt away. Soon you’ll be able to take more focused, productive action.

It sounds circular, doesn’t it? Fear is causing inaction, but the solution is to take action. How can that be?

That means that in order to use action to cure fear, you need to let go of one major fear: specifically, the fear of taking the wrong action.

Once you do that – once you give yourself permission to move forward even if things don't seem quite right – you’ll be able to progress faster on your goals and make those positive changes.

Another way to stay motivated is to surround yourself with supportive people and accountability partners.

Sometimes fear manifests itself as imagined productivity. For example, you may be taking a lot of actions but going absolutely nowhere.

However, keep in mind what we discussed earlier with regards to choosing toxic friends and partners. Ensure that they truly are supportive.

Note: Once in a while some of your own friends and family won’t believe in your dreams. If you talk about your goals, they’ll laugh and make it clear they think you’re foolish.

If this happens to you – and if it’s someone that you need to see on a regular basis – then don’t talk about your dreams any more with this person. If they try to “bait” you or ask you to talk about your goals, answer politely but don’t give them any “ammunition” to fire back at you. Think on your own feet as I said before!


This is just the beginning for you. Chances are, you feel energized and ready to take on anything.

Your next step is to move now. If you wait, I promise you won't do "it."

Imagine yourself accomplishing it. How will you feel? Why is this goal so important to you?

Imagine people congratulating you. Think of the future, not the past.

Once you’ve done that, create your road map. How will you reach your goal? What tangible steps will you take to get there?

Next it’s time to observe and listen. How do you feel as you start working on your road map?

Finally, find supportive people and reward yourself.
And remember this: once you begin and continue, you deserve it!

YOUR ASSIGNMENT IS...Surround yourself with like minds. People who have goals and visions. Get started and remember to have fun!

Till next week- stay on your path and stay positive!

~ Tim Price

Tim Price- Listening to What the Music DOES

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tim Price Bloggin' For Rico- The Joy That Clarence Clemons brought to the world through his music.

Clarence Clemons was born to be a sax player....that was what he was sent to this planet to do. His music was for everybody.What you hear is what you got. It was universal love, and his music radiated through the world.

But in hearing Clarence I realized, as I have since I heard him in the beginning that what he brought to everyone was also his joy of happiness in his life and music. Clarence was a great example of a man who did not need to acquire happiness because he already had it. His approach to everything he did was a direct expression of happiness-in his career and his life.
When put the horn is his mouth that vibe charged through into the music like a bolt of lightening. From his extensive work with " The Boss" to his recent solos on the Lady Gaga C.D.

If a saxophone player wants a real lesson,there it is! It's that simple.

Clarence found true happiness, because he followed his inner voice. You can hear it when he spoke to people and also in the music. He played from THE HEART and aligned everyone with it.

The loss of Clarence Clemons in this life and music is really upsetting because in hearing his solos with Lady Gaga, I remarked to a lot of musician friends that Clarence was doing something very important in those solos. That was playing melody's! In this "era" that element is really something that the music needs, in addition to the soul and grease Clarence laid on Gaga's tracks.
All thru his life, on the bandstand, that ability to bring the melodic to the front of the saxophone solo was his thumbprint! Go back and listen to his solo on "Paradise By The C" with Bruce Springsteen. Beautiful!

God bless Clarence Clemons, he was more that just a saxophone player,entertainer and vocalist. He took people by the hand and brought them into the music and shared his joy of happiness with them.World wide, just like they walked in off the strip in Asbury Park New Jersey. That power in his music was beyond anything words could describe- and something we'll all never forget. His giant sound will always live on and continue to be be an inspiration for the world. In that way he is truly immortal.. Being a complete musician goes well beyond the notes- you taught everyone that my friend- thank you.

Rest In Peace Clarence, you touched many lives-you will always be a messenger of peace, happiness and soulful saxophone playing . You will be missed.

Clarence Clemons was part of the Rico family, he was a proud Rico artist. He played Rico #3 Plasticover Reeds. His music will live forever. He really rocked the house.

Check him out here;


All the very best to all of you out there- Tim Price

Monday, June 13, 2011

Tim Price Bloggin' For Rico- Making The Most Of Your Skills & Bob Rockwell ideas,

Being a well-rounded saxophonist and making the most of your ultimate musical skill, which is the melody:
Let's start with looking at the market place today from a professional standpoint. I feel your training and education must be at a very high professional level. There are few college-level teaching positions and sometimes even fewer gigs, so our key in the marketplace is being well-rounded.

One of the basic approaches to this, I found, is keeping an open mind. Don't shut
yourself off to saxophone quartets, rhythm and blues gigs, teaching beginning students, or playing in big bands. By doing these and embracing many styles musically, you will start to develop skills that are as diverse as they are vital to your survival.
If you can play the Omnibook of Charlie Parker solos, you should also work with
Guy Lacours (28 Etudes), which all are on altered dominant scales. I use it a lot in my teaching.
Those are some key things to consider before I start my main topic of melodic
improvisation below.
Learning to Use Basic Melody

Music is communication. In order to communicate your ideas to others, you must speak the same language. Whether you choose to speak with slang, proper English, or beatnik poetry, there are certain spelling and grammatical conventions required to talk musically.

When musical phrases are constructed of basic elements such as chords or scales,
they are organized into ideas and sentences much the same way that speech is just a combination of spelling and grammar. Phrases, like sentences, have beginnings and endings. This is one of the most important aspects. We separate our phrases with space and pauses. We punctuate our ideas with accents and rhythms. The tools and tech of music are there to help us express our ideas in much the same way language helps us speak. Melodic Possibilities Within Personal Musical Style
There are as many melodic possibilities as there are people to play and hear them.
The beauty of jazz and improvising is that you should be able to communicate your own ideas. That is the difference between reciting someone else's story and telling your own.
Learn to believe in yourself and let your own musical personality enhance the melody.
Whether it's the melody of a tune or your improvisation.
Tracking is the ability to listen to yourself. This is one of the most crucial things
in melodic playing. Tracking is the ability to identify your own ideas and build on them.
Music is not the combination of as many different ideas as possible in the shortest
amount of time, (e.g. playing a lot of notes fast and all over the place) but, the flow and
elaboration of a few ideas in a logical and coherent manner.

The secret of tracking is to listen to yourself. Again, each idea should have a
beginning and an end. Pause and listen to your last idea. Your next idea should be related to the last. Whether you repeat a rhythm, note, shape, or even stop and begin with
a new idea, this will help you to direct your lines and phrases into a specific area.
What you will hear coming out of yourself will be your own musical ideas. They
are shaped by your feelings and the interactions of the people you are playing with, as
well as your technical condition. All this will grow richer as you study more and practice
harder and learn the repertoire.

The secret is to create in the now, and not simply play all your memorized licks.
The more you practice, the more you will be able to hear, and your abilities as a jazz
improviser will grow and expand. Remember, what you hear is more important than
what you know.

The Three Aspects of Melody
#1- The Melodic Curve
#2- Harmony
#3- The Melodic Rhythm
The melodic curve is a melody's linear or graphic structure. A melody is basically a line
of notes that can move up or down by step or by skip. It can be primarily horizontal or
very vertical in shape. The melodic curve is the horizontal and vertical shape of the
The melody- harmony relationship refers to the relationship of the melody note to
a chord progression. This aspect of melody corresponds to the concept of modality. The
melody notes we use should have varying degrees of consonance or dissonance within
the harmony.

Melodic rhythm refers to the length and time feel of the melody and the phrasing.
Melodies tend to sound like sentences and tend to have pauses in between ideas. The
pauses and space between ideas can also be a form of rhythm as it defines the larger
pattern of the phrase relationships. Play in phrases. Try to use speak like rhythms.
Practicing These Concepts
Try to create melodic-type exercises by focusing on different aspects of the
melody. For instance move upward or downward. Create a climax. Work deliberately with scale-wise motion or skips. Learn to play into the beat with pick-up notes. A
terrific exercise is to play the first bar as a whole note, the second as four quarter notes,
the third as whole, the fourth as four quarters, etc. Hear the exercise as a series of pickups to the whole note target notes. This melodic movement can be called "playing into
the beat."

Final Thoughts
Melody making is the ultimate art of music. No matter how far out or far in, or
what kind of music you are playing, there must be melody. Everything you know and hear goes into your choice of notes or melodies. The creation of an expressive personal melodic style is the long-range goal and reward of studying improvisation and musicianship. Good luck, and remember...when you practice work and when you play.....PLAY !


I'm a huge Bob Rockwell fan, and I consider Bob one of the greatest living players today.

For starters, look for this stuff in used shops:

(1996) Shades of Blue
(1995) Light Blue
(1994) Born to Be Blue
(1990) Reconstruction
(1990) Trio
(1989) The Bob Rockwell Trio
(1985) No Rush
(1985) On the Natch
(1974) Androids ( vinal)

And these are killing as well....more available.

Bob Rockwell Quartet | The Danish Radio Jazz Orchestra |
The Organisers | Repertory Quartet |

“Ambiance” Da Capo (DCCD 9417) 1993
Featuring Niels-Henning Orsted Pederson

“But Beautiful” Stunt Records (STUCD 19404) 1994


This guy is a MAJOR tenor voice...
Sad that he lives in Denmark where he makes a healthy living and has non of
the BS and jive that this country ,where he is from , hands out to artists.I'm
not being bitter here-its a cold fact. Otherwise things would be WAY different
for all.
Bob has played with Thad And Mel...
When both were Bob has had innovative exploratory bands sinse
the 70's. Eg-Check out " Androids" that was right up there with Wether Report
and Herbie.
I think he stands shoulder to shoulder with ANYONE in the public eye/media.
I knew his teacher Eddy Berger from Minneapolis and have spent time on the
bandstand with Berger and heard how intense Rockwell was a a serious student of
this art form.

ANYTHING that has his name has to be potent.This guy is very pure and original.
I hope someday he gets a week at the VANGUARD in NyC to show everyone what
he's about.The REAL people know, the players know....THIS GUY IS FANTASTIC.

Till next week- practice your long tones everyday-

Tim Price

(Tim teaches in New York City and Pennsylvania.As well as SKYPE!
He can be contacted for clinics, masterclasses, private teaching , gigs, and concerts by e-mailing him at : TEP251 SAX@AOL.COM . )

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tim Price Bloggin' For Rico-Ya got to love it.

Ya got to love it, that's the long and the short of it.

For one reason or another there has to exist enough desire to maintain a practice for the long
term. It's true in any field. Of course it's not all a bed or roses, but the returns have been satisfying for me -
-and continue to be. Actually, as I get older, there is more of a feeling of appreciation for the skills and talent
which I've developed.

Perhaps and expansion of your practice into some more enjoyable areas would
spice things up for you. Concentrate for a while on things you enjoy--also,
some type of physical exercise is sometimes necessary to balance and
complement your musical practice since music can tend to be like a desk job at
times. The saxophone is not really a solo instrument in the same way that a
piano is-so the rewards of playing the sax only really come in
performance......recording and things like that. Then of course, there is the
money issue. How to make a living playing music---always an interesting

So there is another interesting aspect of music--competition. It exists. Whether or not you get caught up in it
depends on many things. Let's first assume that everyone is independently wealthy--no money problems. It's difficult to separate out this "pure" love of music from the other.

But, what is really the alternative. A practice offers psychological benefits
which, in the long run, greatly enhance ones ' quality of life.

...Tim Price